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Timeless Moments in the Universe
Citation:   Rawrr. "Timeless Moments in the Universe: An Experience with 2C-B, LSD & MDA (exp99910)". May 27, 2022.

T+ 0:00
  vaporized Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 0:00 25 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 6:50 2 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 50 mg oral MDA (capsule)
Saturday the previous week my trip buddy Answers and I (Rawrr) decide to gather the next weekend to take a 2CB psychedelic adventure. Little did we know it would become one of the most magical adventures, one of the most important adventures a human can have. The unlocking of the mind, reaching a new level of conciousness.

On Friday of the planned weekend I take the day off work to cool down and meditate on the impending trip. Only a light meal is consumed earlier in the day after picking up Answers from the lightrail station.

5:00PM - After our light meal we begin preparing set and setting. We setup videos to watch on the TV as well as music.

6:30PM - We are still slightly affected by some earlier kief oil dabs. We realize this relaxed state is the perfect mindset to begin our journey, so we each take 25mg of 2-CB HBr. We begin listening to and talking about music, a shared passion, to pass the time.

7:00PM - Onset has happened for me but not Answers. Since I am getting restless we decide to head outside and watch the city below from my back yard.

7:20PM - Getting cold and shivery from the come up so we head inside with the intention of grabbing clothes and the kief oil/dome+nail setup, as well as a blanket so we can comfortable watch the sunset.

7:25PM - We get back inside and this alone seems to kick us up both to a ++

7:40PM - Head back outside with all the items and smoke more kief oil while we watch the sunset and city as we slowly clime up to a full +++. We are both feeling warm with an amazing body high.

8:35PM - The contrast between our 2-CB warmed bodies and the night are becomes too much and we head back inside. We begin listening to music again and talk away the hours while also exploring my apartment.

9:45PM - Around this time we are agreeing on how showers are a very serene experience while on a psychedelic. We go look at my shower to examine why this one in particular is so good. I commented that it's amazing how a psychedelic drug can reduce two grown men to standing in a shower with their clothes on examing the surrounding environment.

11:50PM - Still talking and on a +++ we realize the peak is starting to fade and our minds enter a state of clarity. I said something to Answers like 'How could I feel any better than this?' He just sort of chuckled at me. Answers being an experienced tripper realized the mindset the 2CB had put us in was perfect to take our experience to the next level. We talk for a bit and both agree to take 300-350ug of LSD in the form of 2 blotters each. We both get lost in the music while we work the blotters under our tongue.

12:30AM - Conciousness starts to fade.

12:45AM - Time stops and we begin to enter a new world. The LSD has hit its own +++ We are both giggling on the couch while we are coming up.

1:00AM - We break through to plateau. Beginning and end are happening at the same time, the gaps between thought as it rises and falls are an eternity or another open dimension for the mind to explore. I experienced my birth and my death and saw the formation of thought itself within my own mind. This is a ++++ experience. I have reached a state of nirvana. Eckhart Tolle once wrote 'The secret to life is to die before you die'. Once you have found death before it has found you, you have become immortal. Time is simply another dimension that our lives are projected accross.

1:01AM - Answers being the experienced tripper knows exactly what to do now that we have reached this state of clarity, thoughtless awareness. We go into my room and before we close the door we tell ourselves that by closing the door, all time will stop and we will be in this room forever. Every time we leave the room will be a new adventure.

Beyond this there is no accurate timeline until later in the experience. We are not sure on the exact order of these events in reality. In our world this entire experience was happening without regard to the flow of time.

While in the separate timeless dimension within my bedroom we listen to music, explore the depths of our own conciousness, and look at art. We spend time trying to describe our Fantasies to one another.

My dog has to go outside. We go outside, colors are very intense, plants are full of life, and I'm connecting with my dog in ways I never imagined possible.

The sun is rising so we decide to take some chairs outside and watch the day come on outside. My dog is running around playing while we enjoy the trees. We can hear the life in every bird chirp, and feel the life in every living thing.

At some point once the LSD effects starting to come off peak we decided to each take 50mg of MDA. After coming up on this the experience just turned to pure bliss. The mind was still unlocked, but now also more at peace with what is happening. Once peaking on the MDA I decide to take a shower, it was the most serene shower I have ever taken, it felt like all the bad was washing away.

I realize I have died and I am able to rebuild myself into the person I desire myself to be. I may come down off the drug but I will never come down from the experience it gave me. I decide to invite a good friend over who I know I need here during this diving transformation. He is someone I need around me while I am rebuilding myself.

Using glowsticks as a lightsource to stimulate CEVs is extremely intense.

11:50AM - We are outside when my friend shows up, still on the plateau. We head inside and talk a bit before heading outside for our last outdoor adventure.

12:15PM - We head outside again to grab the mail and enjoy nature for one last time.

3:15PM - We watch Finding Nemo, but I'm not really paying attention. I'm dwelling on what this new way of thinking means to me, and how I know I will never be the same person from this day forward. I have reached an internal peace and have become immortal within my own realm of thought. I drift off to sleep at some point.

7:00PM - We wake up and I am no longer in that space between thought. My other friend left while we were asleep. I have rejoined the flow of time. I drive Answers back to the lightrail station and invite some good friends over so I can share my experience with them.

I have never come down off the trip. I am now able to meditate at any time and reach that point in time between thoughts. I have undergone the quintessential divine transformation in my own way. I have died before death came to me.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99910
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: May 27, 2022Views: 817
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2C-B (52) : Mystical Experiences (9), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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