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Using It as a Replacement for My Beloved Opiates
Citation:   Constricted Pupil. "Using It as a Replacement for My Beloved Opiates: An Experience with Kratom (exp95933)". Apr 27, 2020.

7 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
90 Days of Kratom

30 grams of Thai Kratom was acquired at a head shop in capsule form. Removed capsules, I have found that this is necessary to gain a faster and more euphoric onset and experience. Measured out 7 grams on a scale. I have found that the line between positive effects and negative effects is very thin with this substance
I have found that the line between positive effects and negative effects is very thin with this substance
, and finding the proper dosage can be tricky. For this reason a scale is very useful for consistency. I am a regular user mild to strong opiates, and in terms of hydrocodone, I take a minimum dosage of 50 mgs at once to achieve an opiated state.

I have recently had my opiate usage discovered by my family and agreed to drug testing in exchange for my rent and school expenses to continue to be paid for. I have found that while traditional opiates will test positive in a dipstick urine analysis, Kratom does not. As such I am using it as a replacement for my beloved opiates for the next 90 days of drug testing. It is important to note that while a frequent user, I am not physically dependent on opiates, nor have I ever been. I space out all usage with a minimum of one day, but typically abide by the 72 hour rule. However, psychologically I am very addicted.

0:00 - 7 gram dose administered orally. Mixed Kratom with one cup of water. Stirred vigorously until all leaf had been saturated with water. Drank mixture quickly followed by Hawaiian Punch to wash the taste out of my mouth. The taste is not to be desired, and often produces cotton mouth. An important note, I didn’t eat 4 hours prior to this experience as I have found this necessary for kratom to be effective.

0:05 - Mild nausea begins. This is typical and usually begin very shortly after drinking the kratom. Both the taste and nausea seem to linger for a short time. Cotton mouth has set in, and I find myself drinking water to try an alleviate the side effect.

0:15 - Noticeable energy boost, I have a strong urge to play guitar which is very rare these days. I pick up my acoustic guitar and begin to play, singing loudly and unashamed of my awful Bob Dylan goes punk vocal performance.

0:30- Physically I am feeling lifted, energized, and ready to move. Mentally I am focused and calm, with mild euphoria setting in. I decide to get outdoors and take the dog on a walk while the effects grow.

1:00- Returned from walking my dog, found that the euphoria had continued to grow while outside. The whole walk I had a smile on my face, and felt at peace with the world around me. While walking a had a strong urge to pick my Jack Russell up and hug him, which I did multiple times. I found this peak very similar to a mild codeine high. To be clear, the euphoria did not reach the beauty of a hydrocodone or oxycodone experience. Drank a liter of water as soon as I got back home to avoid dehydration. I have found that this is critical to avoid negative physical symptoms which often occur around 3 hours after dosing. Headache and nausea are present if I don’t drink water while using kratom. This is very similar to alcohol in my experience.

1:15- Still euphoric and buzzing, but have noticed a more sedated feeling coming over me. Laying down in my hammock outside, the warmth of the sun feels wonderful and as I close my eyes I feel entirely content to relax. I put on some mellow music and find myself in a content state of bliss, no worries and no cares.

1:45- The euphoria and pleasant body high are getting milder now, and I can feel that I am on the downhill slope of the experience. I drink another half liter of water and decide to watch Lord of the Rings.

2:15- I can feel I am in the afterglow of the experience, yet still have feelings of love and respect for the world around me. My pupils never became constricted like when I use opiates, and the high was mild in strength and very easy to function. I would not recommend driving on this substance, or doing any other activity of consequence.

3:00- No headache or nausea as has happened in the past. This is only the second time at this dose. Initially I tried a dose of 4 grams and found it only mildly stimulating at best. The next I took 9 grams, and had a stronger experience but it was followed by nausea and a strong headache. The dose of 7 grams seemed to work much better for me. It took some trial and error to find my dose. For the next 90 days, Kratom will suffice.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95933
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 27, 2020Views: 1,241
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Kratom (203) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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