An Appetiser for Education
Citation:   Theskyhighatrist. "An Appetiser for Education: An Experience with MDPV (exp93430)". Feb 24, 2017.

5 mg insufflated MDPV (powder / crystals)
Experienced with multiple stimulants and my fair share of opiates and psychedelics also.

I use it for study purposes only (well almost). It seems to be very efficient at motivating me to read/study however at times it has also caused me to get completely sidetracked from whatever I had planned on studying. It is very unlike other drugs, in the way that I do not get side tracked by music or conversation (more like drug induced rants). Instead my focus seems to turn to reading or finding out more information about anything and everything. It’s like an appetiser for education.

1. Long periods of concentration
2. Increased cognition i.e. Reading, essay writing
3. Often provides a new insight into problems
4. At higher doses it is quite euphoric

That is the upside of MDPV, but alas it does have its problems.

First of all,
1. It requires and encourages redosing after about an 1-1:30 hours
2. Easily distracted by other sources of information.
3. Difficult to get to sleep.

I cannot stress enough how LITTLE of this stuff I need. Trust me, a little goes a long way!! People have reported getting psychotic episodes after doing “no more than half a gram”. They clearly didn’t read the instructions. I need no more than 3-10 mg for a study aid/ mild buzz.

It has many benefits but should be used carefully. I have been using it about once to twice a week for the past two months and continue to have great study sessions on it without the down sides.

[Reported Dose: 5-10 mg]

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 93430
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 24, 2017Views: 1,457
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