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A Journey to Nowhere
Alcohol, 2C-E & Diphenhydramine
Citation:   lsd4me. "A Journey to Nowhere: An Experience with Alcohol, 2C-E & Diphenhydramine (exp92182)". Apr 15, 2020.

  repeated oral Alcohol
  1 capsl oral 25E-NBOMe
    oral Diphenhydramine
I've never had a 'Bad trip' from any psychedelics before. I don't consider this a bad trip, but it is the closest I have ever come.

As an avid user of LSD, I consider myself accustomed to seeing an altered state of reality. However, No amount of LSD has ever led me on the craziest trip of my life.

I had been downtown at a bar to check out a local band, as well as have a night of drinking. Most of the night at the bar was pretty uneventful, and the band wasn't very good. I began drinking late, and drank slowly at the bar. By closing time I was in a party mood, and wasn't satisfied with my buzz.
By closing time I was in a party mood, and wasn't satisfied with my buzz.
A friend of mine was in the bar that usually has something on him to sell. He was big into research chemicals and that night, he happened to have some 2 c-e on him. I paid him for a capsule of what he referred to as a normal does, the actual size, I am not sure of. I pop open the capsule and take it immediately as the bar closes. He and I then walk to a gas station for something to eat.

I really had no sense of time after I leave the bar. It seemed that the chemicals were coming on very quickly, as I vocalized to him several times. Keep in mind he was sober. We then walked back to his apartment, where the goal was to make some music on his new MIDI controller. On the walk back I was very talkative, probably annoyingly so. I began to feel very euphoric and hyped up. I was feeling very energized, but no hint yet of a psychedelic feeling.

Upon arrival, we began to mess around with the MIDI controller, when it because clear that I was going to be of no use producing any music that night. I began to see very distinct visual patterns everywhere. I begun to feel intense pains in my stomach and announced, very matter-of-factly, that I was going to throw up. I went to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet. Although I felt very sick, I was not able to vomit at all. Throughout this ordeal I was still very euphoric, and not in the least bit disturbed that I was sick. I sat on the floor of the bathroom, distracted by all of the visuals for what seemed to be about 45 minutes. I stood back up to go speak with my friend when the stomach pains begun to become unbearable. I asked him why he wasn't concerned about me being in the bathroom so long, to which he replied that I had been in the bathroom for about 3 minutes. He warned me about possible discomfort before the trip, but it seemed that my pain was slightly abnormal. He instructed that we go to a friends apartment nearby to get some Benadryl, and that would do the trick. At this point I am tripping pretty hard, and I am just listening to whatever my friend is saying without actually paying attention. He gives me some Benadryl and we head back to his place.

Benadryl was not the best option. I was very wired and had completely overlooked the fact that the Benadryl was going to put me to sleep.

Back in his apartment, he is showing me some new music when 4 or 5 other friends rush in. I become very excited in particular to see a friend I hadn't seen in a while and rush to greet her. It is immediately apparent to her that I am tripping. 2 of the members of the group that I don't know, tell me that they are also tripping on 2 c-e. We decide to step out and have a cigarette together. We we're standing outside, all energized and giddy, laughing about everything and sharing our visuals. At this point we discuss going to my apartment so we can listen to music. We all begin running to my apartment.

The only thing I can say about this instant, is this is where shit began to hit the fan. I will be as descriptive as possible for this part, but I was so disoriented that I'm not exactly sure what happened.

All three of us in the group instantly stop dead in our tracks to the voice of another friend calling out to us from outside the apartment that we just left. We all instantly decide to run back. I remember passing a random person on the way back, and can remember vividly the expression on his face. He looked at all of us as if we were deranged, but we continued to laugh and run past him. When we arrived at the top of the stairs our friend was not there. We entered the apartment to find her sitting at the computer, and asked why she had shouted for us. She said that she had been in the apartment the whole time, and never once called us for anything.

This jolt of reality into my strange trip instantly triggered something in my brain. From this moment on, I cannot distinguish fantasy from reality. I was launched into the most vivid hallucinations that I had ever seen. The visuals were so intense and disorienting, that it was like a scene from a movie where the director over-exaggerates the effects of LSD or shrooms. It was a vast collection of indescribable shifting shapes and colors. The only things I can describe we're infinite loops. One in particular was a girl sitting on the ground reading a book. But the pages in the book kept spiraling around, so that it went on forever. Nothing around me was distinguishable. I had no sense of where I was or who was around me. I remember I could also feel the textures that I saw. This proceeded to go on for hours. There was no congruency with anything. I remember having (seemingly) no feeling, and no emotion about what was happening. I wasn't in a place, I wasn't a living being. I was just seeing insane shapes and colors, and my thoughts went in infinite loops as my visuals did. My visuals and my thoughts became one.

At this point, I believe I have fallen asleep. My friends told me that I fell asleep at some point, but I could not reference time so reality and my dreams blended together. They also told me that my sleep wasn't restful. I would often wake, and say things that made no sense.

Now I'm slipping in and out of consciousness, and the only thing that is constant is this trance that I am in. There are no words to describe what happened in this period of time.

My friend informed me that at about 6a.m. he woke me and walked me to my apartment. I vaguely remember what seems to be individual frames of this experience, although I am still flying through a technicolor realm. He put me in my bed, and then left.

I start to regain some sort of distorted consciousness, and sleep ceases. I am not in any pain, although I am very uncomfortable and heavily disoriented. I laid in my bed for a long period of time, unaware of where I was.

I then stood from my bed. I experience a shooting pain in my lower stomach. This unbearable pressure is alarming me. So much so that I begin to run all throughout my apartment. I was opening drawers, and emptying the entire contents of my bathroom cabinets. I enter my roommates room who is asleep. I don't remember this part, but he explained that I walked into his room frantically, looking all over his room for something. I could not tell him what it was I was looking for, but I needed it badly. I never mentioned to him my stomach pains. Throughout all of this, I don't recognize anything, and have no idea where I am. The visuals are too intense to even know that I am in my own apartment.

The pressure now is building. I remember being in intense pain, and was endlessly frustrated. It turns out that I had to pee very badly, and was not aware of how to alleviate the sensation in my bladder. I must have waited right up until the second that I would have urinated in my pants, because I ran at a full sprint out of my apartment and began peeing on my door. Halfway through, I forced myself to stop. I ran inside the apartment momentarily, and then back outside to finish peeing.

This seems to be where the bulk of the visuals end, and I begin to slowly fade back to reality, and become aware of what I had just done, and the world around me. I was covered in sweat so I quickly showered and changed clothes. I laid back in bed where it became clear that sleep wasn't something that was going to happen any time soon.

I had a splitting headache and experienced general discomfort for the remainder of the day, which I would have gladly taken over the living dream that I was in. The afterglow persisted until nightfall, just seemingly making everything somewhat odd. I was not able to sleep until that night (not for lack of trying).

Nothing before or after this experience could prepare me for it. I realize that it was probably due to the Benadryl, but I still will not be taking this chemical again.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92182
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 15, 2020Views: 633
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2C-E (137) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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