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Useful Cognitive Enhancer
Citation:   ZenVortex. "Useful Cognitive Enhancer: An Experience with Modafinil (exp89506)". Apr 25, 2017.

50 mg oral Modafinil (ground / crushed)
I am a chemistry professor and tried Modafinil to see if it would be useful for creative writing. I’m not a regular drug user but have had prior experience with psychedelics and stimulants.

0.00 Ingested 50mg Modafinil on an empty stomach upon awakening. Preparation: 1/4 of a 200 mg tablet was crushed and dissolved in cranberry juice using a blender. The purpose was to maximize the rate of absorption and reduce the amount of Modafinil required.

0.30 Awake and alert, but no “buzz”. Ate light breakfast without tea, coffee, or other caffeinated beverage.

1.00 Fully awake and alert but no “buzz”.

1.30 Mild “buzz” like a quiet internal whirring sound.
Fully awake and alert with good mental focus.

2.00 Stronger “buzz”. Alert with good mental focus.
Working intensely, generating ideas, writing creatively.

3.00 Strong “buzz”. Alert, focused, confident.
Working intensely, generating ideas, writing creatively.

4.00 Very strong “buzz”. However, vision and thinking are a bit blurred. Feeling confident and mildly euphoric but a slight undercurrent of anxiety, probably due to overstimulation. This was not a major problem and was resolved by closing my eyes and avoiding thinking.

5.00 Took a break from work and spent a few hours outdoors.

6.00 Starting to come down.

7.00 Gradually coming down. Resumed writing and finished off my previous work.

12.00 Almost back to normal.

Conclusion. The experience was generally positive and helped me generate important new ideas for my work. The mode of preparation and ingestion seems to be very efficient and I shall do it again, using a smaller dose, probably 1/6 of a tablet (33 mg).

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89506
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 66
Published: Apr 25, 2017Views: 3,807
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Modafinil (217) : Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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