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Peaking Into the Divide
Citation:   Cosmic Diver. "Peaking Into the Divide: An Experience with 2C-I (exp87636)". Aug 6, 2013.

17 mg oral 2C-I
Venturing into a new realm of existence is one of much anticipation, excitement, and curiosity. The few hours before diving into the planes of timeless observation there are many thoughts that typically go through my head. 'What were my past experiences with this drug?' 'What were the settings of the last journey and how will they differ, in what ways will that physical variable play into effect on the mental outcome of the experience?' With 2CI, of the seven of us whom journeyed into the heart of the intangible 'hum' none of us had ever traveled in the waves of the compound 2CI. It was because of this that the entire experience had a more adventurous, hopefully 'vibe.'

For those of you whom have not had any flight time with 'inter-diminutional cosmic window peaking' read the following with the idea of a step-by-step process of having a successful experience with 2C-I, or for that matter any hallucinogen (Psilocybin, Acid, Mescaline, 2C-B, 2C-E Etc).

We meet at a friends house and collected and went over our things. We had a Djimbe, Didjerdoo, Ocorania, a Guitar, Fruits and bread of all kinds, plenty of water, organic juices, sketching materials, packs of cigarettes, papers, bud, pieces and a large blanket. After we had left our 'everyday' home-base, we moved to the Orange line T-Station, while walking there we all turned off our phones and officially checked out of modern day society for the next ten hours. This step is one of the most important steps to a successfully journey into the cosmic divide. We loaded into the subway, riding until the end of the orange line. We had decided to go to a new location called the Arnold Arboretum. Before leaving we studied the map for a good 20 minuets getting the layout of the paths and key locations in our heads. Knowing which direction is home is always a good idea in case 8 or 9 hours in your crashing and you want to at least know where to head when you would like to retire for the day. The T-Ride was enjoyable, we spread out being one of the few people riding the orange line at 11:00 am on a saturday. Spirits were high and total encompassing anticipation flowed through every pore of all seven explorers. As we got off the train and began to walk towards the direction of the Arboretum we all ingested our own conciseness.

After a few wrong turns and a lot of questioning of the locals we made our way to the entrance, which was one of grand stature enclosing beautiful landscapes of knowledge. We entered the arboretum and our world was forever changed. After much strolling we found what would be known as our 'home-base'. Any tripping experience, the group should always set up a home-base. This is where all of the bags, instruments, food, drugs, etc. are dropped and will always stay there. All of the phones are still off in the bags, by this point everyone has forgotten they ever had one. When we had sat down we were about 40 minuets into the trip and at this point were getting some basic 'lift-off' feelings in the stomach, head and finger tips similar to acid and psilocybin. Around 50 minuets in we were getting the palm sweats as well as a 4/10 new body sensation.. This is from the concentrate of MDMA and similar substances in the compound of 2CI. At about an hour (1:00:00) into the trip objects had now began having the 'breathing' effect, and every minute for the next ten a new level of visuals kicked in. First I had breath, then waves, then melting, then geometric patterns, and flying colors/sounds with eyes shut. One traveler droned on the didjeridoo which shook the entire earth, sending patterns and colors throughout the earth and directly into my body. We than sat creating new forms of art through the medium of music, expressing what was inexpressibly happening to each and every one of us for the first time in our conscious life.

After about an hour and a half - two hours the acid 'new body' feeling had morphed with the MDMA euphoria giving all of us a sudden rush of life. We sat up, taking off our shoes and loosening our shirts, to sprint like deer across the planes of an intrinsically new universe. A grand sense of amazement at the simple novelty of earth was more than that possible to describe in words. For those of you whom have not tripped, this feeling can be almost exactly related to watching a dog run through the woods. Every 5-30 feet it looks and smiles, amazed at the world around him! Everything is new, everything is beautiful, all is right and time has been long forgotten with the rest of the world.

Some time had passed and we were now possibly 3-4 hours into the trip. It is at this point that one must venture alone into the heart of the beast and figure out what it is he must learn from this experience. I may only speak for myself because I was obviously alone but here is my experience diving into the heart of 2CI...

I left the group and wandered up a hill. Passing maybe 40-60 feet, I had crossed out of sight and had come upon a great valley surrounded with life, surrounded with energy all flying into the center of the circle. I followed the trails and sat and began to hum. It was here that my visuals peaked, flying across the galaxies created of 5 diminutional geometric patterns and audible colors, my world was thrown out of my own control and I rode the wave of that known as 2CI for about 40 minuets. Taking only a few moments to looks up and stare into the face of Gaia herself at the roots of the parallel tree, my concentration was one of a high tended sense, almost resonating with vibrance and power.

After returning to the group some usual chemical drug reactions were starting to take place. A sense of scatter brained communication of exponentially speed up thought process began to arise. It was at this point that I cut out, and as Timothy Leary once said 'Turn on, Tune in, Drop Out.' At points of hard aural communication I turn to other art forms to record the ideas and thoughts that are so poorly described through the english language, no matter the context. This art for that I tend to use during every psychedelic experience is sketching. During these points of zero communication I can visually record what I am hearing. Because 2CI (along with 90% of the other hallucinogens) rewires my senses, I would hear a certain guitar melody and see a clock with a beak shooting energy out over a giant tree branch with folding snake waves of pulsating power. I am still able to look back at every square cm of my drawing and can still hear each of those noises, thoughts, ideas, concepts, theories, etc, just as clear as I had thought or heard them at the time.

After some time had passed one of my friends had returned from a literal expedition to a different part of the woods and said he had an amazing time! I then, of course, joined him and we ventured off into thousands of new worlds. Because of the layout of the Arboretum, there were trees from Hungary, California, Japan, China, Africa, India, and every layout was drastically different. Because of this every 10 feet you went, because of the vibrant and hyper-sensed colors flying around, my mind's eye opening up and seeing the well hidden, yet bluntly obvious truths, and the MDMA/acid body rush and euphoria, there is no better drug for an all encompassing, positive, Psychedelic experience.

As a side note: During all 'travels' smoke excessive amounts on the way up and on the crash down. On the way up a bowl/joint can kick it up 8 - 9 levels in a matter or minutes. On the way down I smoke tons to help level my mind and get my thinking more clear. Now with 2CI there was no crash! Afterwards I went back smoked, recorded some music, long-boarded, and then watched a movie.

Over all with this drug I would record it like this
0:00:00 - 0:40:00 = Lift Off
- Little to no side effects, slight stomach nausea

0:40:00 - 1:00:00 = Peak Lift Off
- Sweat on palms of hand ( - Breathing visuals / Slight Waves

1:00:00 - 1:30:00 = Stage I
- Euphoria / Melting / Geometric shapes / (eyes closed) colors

1:30:00 - 3:00:00 = State II
- Adventurous / Body rush of energy / touch feels good ( ^ @ this point sweats are gone and all feelings of nausea and uncomfortably are gone

3:00:00 - 4:00: 00 = Stage III
- Creativity pumped, togetherness, visuals, hard trails, purple/gold auras

4:00:00 - 6:00:00 = Stage IV
- Words are hard to get out, alone time begins
- Strong connection to Earth / MDMA < Acid (stronger 30%/70%) at this point

6:00:00-8/10:00:00=Stages V/VI
- Very light decline, smoking at this point will temporally boost visuals and feelings. From 8 - 10 hours in smoking helps level the head

10:00:00 +
- All 'crashing' effects will be from what you did 'physically' not from the drug itself. If you sat and mediated most of the time you will be fine to go out and have a good time, if you ran and rolled, climbed and jumped, leaped and fell then you will probably need a shower and some time to yourself with some hot food and a nice fan.

Overall 2CI I can confidently say is the future of drugs. It is an acid experience, with an MDMA feel all without any negative feelings towards society and human made products. This drug would be one that I would even recommend, only to experienced psyconauts that have had many 'correct' Psychedelic trips to take to a club/rave. There is a large amount of energy that is funneled into you for about 6-10 hours. I can highly recommend this drug to anyone looking for a euphoric, energetic, meditative, geometric, beautiful experience and wants to view the same world through a new set of eyes. 2CI was a success and will be thought about until next time.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87636
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 6, 2013Views: 3,136
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2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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