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A Halloween to Remember
Citation:   Guybrush. "A Halloween to Remember: An Experience with 2C-E (exp82042)". Erowid.org. Oct 4, 2018. erowid.org/exp/82042

25 mg   2C-E
Took 25mg of 2C-e with a friend, & a tripsitter. It was our first time taking the drug. My friend and I ate a light meal at 2pm. We took it at 6:30pm while walking around the neighborhood, kids were everywhere. I took 3 tums about 15minutes after. At 7:30 I felt it kicking in, my friend felt it about 45min later. At first, my stomach felt slightly queasy, but it subsided after a while. I sat on a the bleachers by my old highschool, and closed my eyes and listened to '(a) Speak to Me (b) Breathe in the Air' by Pink Floyd. This is my first closed eye visual hallucination, it was mostly patterns moving over a strange environment, kind of like a projection on a colorless world.

We then proceeded to the parking lot beside the highschool I went to. I layed down in the grass, and listened to 'On the Run' by Pink Floyd. The closed eye visuals this time were more intense I remember feeling at peace, almost merging with the earth. I saw and felt a yellow surge of energy flow through myself and the ground I was laying on. I clutched the grass to remind myself that there was still a world when I opened my eyes. I felt incredibly calm, and at peace.

We then proceeded to enter my old high school, the doors were open because people play volleyball in the gym. This is when it really kicked in. I remember the murals on the walls were very intense, and larger than life. Paint swirled, and existed on many planes. The way I explained it last night was that I had many worlds in my head, and I could see and feel multiple worlds at the same time. We proceeded to talk about life, and where we see ourselves in the future. I closed my eyes and pictured myself building a path infront of me out of orange clay like material, in an infinitely vast universe. We realized we didn't appreciate the school enough while we were there, but now these drugs made everything fascinating, partially because the school evolved after we left. I also remember getting down on my hands and knees and staring at the tiles on the ground, it had this pebble like appearance to it, it was constantly swirling and shifting, like the rocks were melting.

We then sat outside on a bench, and listened to 'Angel' by Massive Attack, this was my friends first closed eye visual, he said it was too intense, and he kept his eyes wide open for the remainder of the song. At first it felt like I was on a treadmill, and the world around me was moving, except it was all patterns mirrored on reflective shapes. Then I was in a carnival, I remember seeing a man with a trench coat pull up his collar, and the collar was a bright orange on the inside. Next I remember seeing three hellhounds walk up to the bench that I was sitting on. They looked like huge dogs, all different sizes, with metal and leather armaments around their collar and face. They were standing right infront of me, almost close enough to touch me. It looked like they were being held back by a leash, but they wanted to move towards me, they looked calm, except they were sniffing the air. It was windy, so it felt like the gusts of wind was their sniffing. Behind them it seemed like an intense godly light emerging from behind a sky full of white clouds. The clouds slowly opened up, creating an intense band of light splitting the sky in half. Then the song was over.

We proceeded to walk to Subway to get something to eat. Deciding what to order was difficult for me, so I just told them to make two of what my friend was getting. We went to TIm Hortons to eat and get drinks. I entered the washroom, and felt alone, which was unnerving because it was the first time I was alone since the start of the trip. My face constantly shifted in the mirror. Eating was strange, I only ate half the sub, because I lost my appetite quickly. Everyone in the sitting area tripped me out, they were constantly unrecognizable and shifty. I was a bit paranoid, they all seemed to grab my attention, yet I couldn't stare.

Soon after getting up from eating, I felt my high go down. This was about 5hrs after originally dosing. I still felt good, but the most intense part of the trip was over. We walked around the neighborhood for a while, and my friend felt his high go down, and he said it felt like he was being 'stabilized.' I smoked a joint and we talked about the things we remember seeing, it was easier to articulate now that we weren't tripping so hard.

We went to my place, and listened to music. I had closed eye visuals, yet they were mostly patterns, and not as intense. My friend didn't see anything, but thoroughly enjoyed the music. We watched Alice in Wonderland then fell asleep around 2:30am.

I woke up at 12:30pm (actually an hour later because of daylight savings) I felt refreshed, and smoked a joint.

The experience was amazing, I can't wait to try it again. The CEV were very intense, and the trip in general was highly enjoyable.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 82042
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 4, 2018Views: 766
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