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Best ADHD Medication I Have Tried
Lisdexamphetamine (Vyvanse)
Citation:   ADHD Momma. "Best ADHD Medication I Have Tried: An Experience with Lisdexamphetamine (Vyvanse) (exp81479)". Jul 30, 2010.

50 mg oral Lisdexamfetamine (daily)
I was diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive Type (was ADD back then) when I was 7 years old. Immediately I was put on Ritlan, then Adderall later on. I have been having complaints about the side effects of Adderall (not lasting long enough, irritable, depressed, anti-social) so my doctor recommended Vyvanse.

I was started out on a 30mg dose, which didn't really do much after the first couple days. Just last week my dose was increased to 50mg. I have to say, I love this medication! It lasts all day, unlike the Adderall which I had to take a second dose in the late afternoon. It helps me focus like crazy, the first few times I took it were intense, but now I am starting to get used to it and it is has such a nice, steady, even effect.

7:45am Ingest orally after eating a small breakfast.

8:00am Starting to feel perky and motivated, appetite decreasing.

8:10am Definitely feeling focused and motivated, in a great mood. Don't want to eat at all, but my mouth is very dry so I drink some water.

8:15am Medication is in full effect and I am ready to get some work done. Cleaning, laundry, planning meals for the kids, playing with the baby. Still no appetite but dry mouth is still there.

12:30pm Vyvanse is still in full effect and I am not hungry at all but I force myself to eat a bowl of cereal.

3:30pm Still going strong, I feel great and have accomplished quite a bit. Spent a couple hours blogging and editing photos, now to help older son with his homework.

5:30pm Peppy feeling starting to fade and my appetite is starting to increase. Still in a great mood. Making dinner for the family now.

8:00pm Effects of Vyvanse are now pretty much all gone, I feel a bit restless, but it is definitely chill time.

10:00pm Headed to bed, have to take Ambien most nights in order to fall asleep quickly. Without the Ambien I will usually toss and turn for 30 min or so.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 81479
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jul 30, 2010Views: 36,469
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Lisdexamfetamine (589) : Various (28), Medical Use (47), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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