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Greater Intensity Than Expected / Best Drug?
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   ronkshonks. "Greater Intensity Than Expected / Best Drug?: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp64443)". Sep 28, 2018.

  oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Recently I was lucky enough to have travelled in peru, and when in cusco I decided to do a san pedro trip. As none of my freinds wanted to trip with me, and I have had no hallucinatory drugs byond mushrooms, I decided to do my trip with an orgnised group, and pesonally I think rthis is the best circumstance to try the drug. Maybe it was my lack of experireance, or the fact I'm a lightweight (with alcohol, weed, pills and shrooms) but I like to think it was the fact my san pedro was produced by a shaman whose LIFE is creating this potion.

The trip started early in the morning, when me and the shaman went up to the countryside around cusco at around 9 in the morning, where I drank the liquid (one glass served ice cold- if one can drink this stuff cold, it makes it taste pretty fine really) and only had to wait around 40 miuites (I had no clock the whole experiance) for the effects to kick, hard.

I was looking at a nice piece of polished marble, when I relised there was a storm in that stone (think of those videos of the storms on jupiter,) also, the stone was breathing. I thought this strange and so started to look around to see what else was happening. What was happening was the sky, its hard to describe but basically it was huge, far larger then any sky had the right to be, also, there was a cloud-lizard in the sky that seemed to be angry at me, lukily a cloud-beaver dealt with him. I was well aware while I observed this that the clouds where clouds, but at the same time they were the animals, not in a way they could ever reach me or actually interact with me, but simple there was no contradiction in clouds being lizards and beavers.

At this point I needed to take a walk, I was to be honest a bit freaked out so I left my shaman (this was the last I would see of him for 8ish hours.) when I was walking was when the ecstacy kicked in. I've done pills/mdma a lot in the past, and I love them, but I also kinda feel the joy I feel is artificial and forced, with san pedro it feels amazing, its a connection with the earth and nature that makes me feel so good, its the most natural feeling in the world (clearly at this point I was tripping my tits off)
It felt like I had walked for an age, I think I really walked for about 10 minuites, when I found the most butiful rock in the world, and decided I needed a rest. I sat on and near this rock for the next 8 hours. Visuals were still intense, instead of polished stones breathing now whole mountains and forests where breathing, but by that time the introspection was kicking in. Long
Bouts of self analysis that literally a day befour I would have deemed hippy crap now seemed nessecery for my existance as a contented person. Every now and again I got the urge to go for a walk gain, but I never got more then 10 meters from my stone befour I relaised how much I missed my stone.

This went on to nearly sunset, about 6.30 in the evening, when I walked up a hill to see the sunset- a semi imagined scene of purple sun, anciets in the huge sky, dancing tree figures, and to top it up, when it got dark a night time rainbow of electric purples, violets and blacks. It was time to refind my shaman. This was the peak of my trip visually, ecstatically (made up word) and self analysisallly (another made up word.)

On finding my shaman, I found human interaction very difficukt after my long period in the mountains, but it was a good feeling, like the end of a session on MDMA, the feeling that everything is going to be ok. And in the morning I felt cleansed almost.
(I have to admit after the san pedro had all but worn off, at 10 o clock I had a strong spliff with my shaman, and this was a bad idea, and I freaked out a bit, but I did not want to include this sidenote in what was outherwise the best drug experiance of my life)

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64443
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 28, 2018Views: 1,122
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Various (28), Guides / Sitters (39), Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), General (1)

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