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The Secret Sedative
Kratom (15x extract)
Citation:   Investigator. "The Secret Sedative: An Experience with Kratom (15x extract) (exp57960)". Feb 14, 2007.

T+ 0:00
2.0 g oral Kratom (liquid)
  T+ 1:30 2.0 g oral Kratom (liquid)
After doing some investigation of Kratom, I decided it was time for me to test it out. I ordered 4G of 15x extract from an online vendor for ~$20 and a week later, the brown powdery substance arrived at my dorm. Just for reference, I have had experience with hydrocodone and oxycodone. To feel a good euphoria with hydrocodone, I would need to take around 30mg.

2:30 – I mix roughly half of the powder into a bottle of water and take a shower. The mixed drink tasted very similar to green tea with no sugar. Not the best tasting substance in the world, but definitely tolerable.

3:00 – I go outside and have a cigarette. I can feel the buzz slowly rolling up. It feels very similar to an opiate buzz. Mild euphoria ensues. By the time I finished my cigarette, I could feel some significant effects.

3:15 – I find an empty lounge, plug in my laptop and start listening to The Wall by Pink Floyd. By this time I am feeling pretty euphoric. “The great gig in the sky” has now come on and I let my eyes roll back into my head. I begin to get a little bit itchy. Nothing different than a typical opiate itch.

3:30 – I feel like I have plateaued.

4:00 – I decide to re-dose the rest of the extract (2G). I mix it with water again and down it. Suddenly I realize I haven't eaten anything today so I head to the cafeteria to grab a bite.

4:30 – After eating some disgusting cafeteria food, I feel some nausea set it. It is mild, but definitely unsettling. I start to have some hot flashes and sweat. I'm not sure if it is because of the re-dose or if it was the food. I would venture to say it's a mix of both.

4:40 – Back in my dorm, the euphoria kicks in strong than before. I put on my headphones and start listening to Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. After shedding some clothes, the nausea starts to subside.

5:10 – Nausea has come back and I suddenly have the urge to vomit. In one big heave, a fully loaded hamburger, french fries, asparagus and corn come flying out into the toilet. After a few convulsions, I brush my teeth. I surprisingly feel fine about a minute later. The buzz seems to have subsided after vomiting.

5:30 – Seems like the euphoria has almost completely subsided.

Conclusion: Very interesting drug. The taste was very mild and the euphoria that I received from it was not bad. The itching involved seemed less severe than it would have been if I had taken an equivalent amount of Vicodin or Percocets. Unfortunately, the nausea involved was definitely a pitfall. I would speculate that while the nausea was involved with the drug, it was significantly increased by the awful, awful cafeteria food.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57960
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2007Views: 9,961
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Kratom (203) : School (35), First Times (2)

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