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Fun but Scary
Citation:   Isaac 'Izzy' Snuffer. "Fun but Scary: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp57944)". Jul 8, 2009.

900 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
It was last Sunday night, and I was bored, and my parents were gone. I had done Diphenhydramine (refered to as dryl through the rest of this report) a couple of times before, but only 200mg, enough to give the heavy feeling but nothing more. I will try to recall now the events of that fateful night and all positive and negative effects of it.

It was 1:30 PM and my parents were taking a nap, hours from going to a wake while my little bro, who I had before gotten to be my sitter, was going to church. I ingested 100 mg. Then more over the next few hours as each pill set in, and by 5:30, determined to have hallucinations (I was very irresponsible in taking without source of amount.), and as my parents left 15 min. later, and a was laying on my bed, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and a dude I skate(board) with was sitting on my bed. He didn't look like a regular person though. Sort of like seeing a reflection in a window, having form but transparent. I knew then the trip had begun and there was no turning back.

I went over to my computer, with the heavy feeling I was accustomed to from taking it in low dose before, and began to play Solitare because I had no internet at the time(company was having technical difficulties).I looked behind me to my couch, and the blanket which was on it folded weird looked like a person was hiding under it. I was scared. I walked over to it and threw the blanket off, expecting to see an ugly old guy with a knife, but I saw nothing under it. I then walked over into a closet that my dad keeps cards in and for a split second the snowman statue thing he had sitting there looked like satan out of the corner of my eye. I about pissed myself.

About this time I started hearing things. My parents conversing, although they were gone, you know, usual sounds. I was fine until it sounded as if someone was breaking in. I was scared again. I went back to my computer and started to play solitare again, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone, who was made the same as my friend was earlier, looking over my shoulder at me playing. The second I looked toward him he was gone. I now thought people were hiding behind my bed and couch to kill me. I looked back every five minutes, moving slow because of the heavy feeling.

After this, I heard someone asking me something, though I can't remember what it was. I answered him, then I remembered he wasn't real, then noticed that I hadn't said it! What I had seemed to be saying was simply a thought and illusion of my mind. I then spoke, was happy it was real, although speaking was hard, then went back to playing Solitare, still scared for my life from the two people behind my bed and couch.

Nothing else interesting happened until my bro got home from church. When he came in I thought he was my parents, and when he came up to my room (he knew I was tripping), I asked 'Mom, what's for dinner?'(able to speak this time). He replied 'We've already ate, and I'm not mom!' I looked at him, finally relizing he wasn't, and now my parents voices still were fake. After this I thought I heard my bro say many things he didn't, and replied to them, sometimes outloud, and sometimes what I though was outloud. I also heard many more questions like before he came home and answered them, sometimes outloud and sometimes what I thought was.

Then nothing else but that happened until my parents got home. Then it started to get WEIRD! I went to the bathroom, and took a piss, then looked in the mirror to see that my pupils were the size of nickels. I was like 'SHIT!' and went back to my comp. I decided to call my friend, so I did and we talked for thirty minutes, until I relized I wasn't speaking nor holding the phone. Then I went back to using the computer when I decided to work on my (skate)board. I went to it, got it, came back, and worked on it until I relized I had no board nor tool in my hand. Then I played Solitare some more until I Went down to watch a movie with my parents. I saw my mom fingering herself in my bros room (but I think this was real) then watched the movie while eating pizza. It was tough. I'd go into a daze at random times and not see 3 min of the movie, and drop the pizza when I forgot I was holding it, happy to pick it up though because of still having the heavy feeling.

After the movie(which I now remember none of because of being stoned), I went back to my room and noticed my pupils were still huge. I went to bed and saw more weird crap as I decided to masturbate. As I sat there moving my hand up and down my penis, the chair looked like a demon head. It did the whole time I sat in my bed. Afterwards I cleaned up and went back to bed, it had been 4 hours since I started, now 3:15 AM. I looked down and thought I saw an anaconda, and freaked out. I quickly turned on my light and saw it was the arc on the bottom of the rocking chair. The top still looked like a demon head until the next morning(waking up at 6:00).

I looked in the mirror again when I woke up, and although all left of the trip feel wise was a very slight heavy feeling, my pupils were the size of dimes. I went down, afraid my parents would noticed my eyes, and drank a Dr. Pepper. I looked then and saw that anything I put real close to my eyes was blurry. I then went to school, at which the heavy feeling wore off, but I had no ability to concentrate on anything. I waited until lunch when this sort of wore off and I talked to my friends as normal. I still had little understanding of anything though until half-way though my next hour and a half class.(which was bad while playing poker at lunch).

Everything was normal the rest of the day, except that blur thing. When I looked at my foot in the shower that night, my foot looked like those people from earlier, like a reflecting in a window. Then I went to bed and the next day even the blurry thing had worn off. It was one heck of a trip, but enjoyable, and I will do it again when I have time on my hands. Don't do this though if you are easy to panic. My strong state of reasoning and hard to fearness were the only things that kept me from going insane in this trip. Thank you for reading and good day :).

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57944
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2009Views: 14,633
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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