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Memory Lapse and Blackouts
Citation:   Z-mouse. "Memory Lapse and Blackouts: An Experience with Amitriptyline (exp53463)". Jun 16, 2007.

1 cup oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  2 tablets oral Pharms - Amitriptyline  
I had a few garunteed hours of complete family free time with the house all to myself one day. Upon snooping for booze I came acrossed a bottle of elevil and decided to pop a few while I watched a movie (fear and loathign in las vegas, the perfect movie to watch while waiting for things to set in btw). Knowing me, I like to push things...I may have taken 3 tablets though I had meant to take only 2. I had also had about a cup of wine before I knew I would be taking them. After about 20 minutes to a half hour I had to lie down because I was sleepy. I assumed I had slept for the next day and a half but my family says I was up and about and even holding conversations that I can't recall. I'm scared to try these pills again but most likely will anyway since I assume I blacked out because of the alcohol.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53463
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2007Views: 19,492
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Pharms - Amitriptyline (165) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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