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Happy Cinco De Mayo.. Hungover Seis De Mayo
MDMA & Alcohol - Hard
by Mare
Citation:   Mare. "Happy Cinco De Mayo.. Hungover Seis De Mayo: An Experience with MDMA & Alcohol - Hard (exp53236)". May 5, 2018.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  .5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
This was quite possibly the most interesting experience I've had in a while using. Probably dangerous enough too.

This is all pretty much intro until the paragraph after 'Zoom..Cabba'

So on Cinco de Mayo 2006 my boyfriend and I went downtown, met up with a friend, and ended up in a pretty big group. We had margarita mix and Cuervo in the back seat (this was around 5pm) and we started to drink some. We ended up drinking the bottle together and ended up in a pretty big group of people.

Our friend Emma ended up coming down around 7 and we got the pills at 9ish. All of us (myself, my boyfriend, and 2 or 3 others) took our first pills.. blue music notes.. and went walking around. We ended up meandering the city for about an hour, and once it kicked in, our friend Vince showed up and was pretty drunk off a few bottles of wine, screaming Peaches songs, thrusting his pelvis at strangers on the street.. He was cool for a while..

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
We hung out in a parking lot listening to techno, we weren't feeling too much. We started coming down and decided we needed a few more pills, so we called up our hook and headed down to meet him. We got 7 more pills. By then it was only me, my boyfriend, Emma, and Vince. We all took one more, and piled into my boyfriends MR2 (a two seater.. the tradition of our fridays is to drive around piled into the car blasting techno in hopes we wont get caught).

Zoom...CABBA!! (Something I could not stop saying that night, no matter how hard I tried)

We didn't know where to go so we headed to my old middle school. By now it must have been nearing midnight. We parked in the cafeteria-lunch-lady parking lot where no one could see us. The car was getting too hot (and if you haven't tried it, I suggest you hop into a car with the heater on next time you're on e), so I got out to run the track. This is when I began to notice how hard it was hitting me.

On the track, I saw little boys and girls running, mostly wearing white. In the batting cage I saw boys being lectured by their coaches with mud in their face. I saw a picnic table that was 20 feet across. I saw massive high chairs. It really was madness, so I ran back to grab Emma.

We walked the track again, we saw janitors. She saw the picnic table I told her about, and a giant black man hiding in the trees. We kept thinking we were about to walk into a wall walking, but we realized it was the grass.. We got tired and laid on the grass and stared at the hazy pink sky.

We found octopus in the sky, trains.. twins connected by an umbilical cord, a giant chicken. All quite a bit of madness.

We went to the car, Vince had come on to my boyfriend, so we all became anti-Vince. I took another pill with Emma. We decided not to tell Vince because he was being stupid, and my boyfriend because he was just starting to peak. We went back to look at the clouds for an hour or so.

We ended up back in the car eventually, and we drove for a while on the freeway. I didn't notice we were even going anywhere until we were about 40 miles out. We drove back, I took a half pill, my boyfriend took a half. Emma had one more.

We drove to an open space where we sat in the car for a while. It was right next to a school and some business place, and while I was out, I swore I saw a mass of people headed over the parking lot towards me. I decided they wouldn't see me if I didn't move, and as they came about 15 feet from me, they vanished. Most laughed at me.

I looked around, and I'm pretty sure some real people were there. It looked like there was a bright light at the school, and I may or may not have seen nuns and more children in white clothes. By now it was nearing 6 so you never know. I'd like to go back some time and find out if there were real people or not.

We took everyone home then, and my boyfriend and I went to bed. Upon waking up, I realized that I'd never taken so many pills (Well I have but that was 11 months before and it was some weak blue at&ts and one red scorpion..) in one night, and I was feeling the aftershock.

I couldn't stop shaking, I was very very scared. I kept hearing things, and most of the day I cried. My whole body was in an intense pain, and I couldn't stand. I tried to go to the bathroom and I couldn't make it the one door down my hallway. I crawled into the bathroom, not being able to see or breathe, and I laid there for an hour and a half with the water running. It felt more like 10 minutes to me. My head was ringing. It was 3pm and I was supposed to be at work by 1. I called in sick, and it was all good. The next day I still felt like crap.

I haven't taken anything since.. (Well.. it's only been 2 weeks.)

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53236
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 5, 2018Views: 1,139
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Alcohol - Hard (198), MDMA (3) : General (1), Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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