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Blissful Sensations
Yerba Mate
Citation:   Clever Tendencies. "Blissful Sensations: An Experience with Yerba Mate (exp53121)". Jun 14, 2006.

15 g oral Yerba Mate (daily)
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I have just recently discovered the mystical powers of Yerba mate. I had ordered a couple pounds of premium Yerba mate from Brazil. I drink this every morning now instead of coffee. In the middle of the day, I experience sort of a flashback to the feeling it gives me and I miss it. It gives me a feeling of being in love.

I grind up about 10g of loose herb in a coffee grinder. Heat a cup of water in microwave about 2:30. Put contents of ground herb into cup of water and let steep for 5-10 minutes. Dump through a coffee filter, and drink.

I might want to down the cup of mate for speedy results. Then once I start to feel really good, simply smoke a bowl of good green bud(cannabis). I have done this numerous times and notice that every time I get a feeling of being on cloud nine.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53121
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2006Views: 18,717
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Yerba Mate (282) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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