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Hallucinated Orgy
Citation:   Man Meat. "Hallucinated Orgy: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp40064)". Jun 23, 2007.

600 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Well, I´ve had 2 experiences so far with diphenhydramine so far, and both of them were pleasantly disturbing, if you call them that. I´m only going to share the first one at the moment, maybe I´ll share the second at a later time. I had heard about it from my friend and roomate, “A,” he said, “you wanna take about 600 mg?”

I was curious, so a couple weeks later I bought a bottle, and the lady at the counter was already suspicious. She asked me if I was going to good time tonight. I laughed it off and went home. I waited until my roomate was asleep because I didn´t want to bother him in the day with whatever crazy shit I would be doing. He went to bed around 10 p.m. That´s when I took them. I turned on the TV and waited. I remember feeling a little strange, like I was tired, but didn´t want to sleep, and not wanting to close my eyes. I was looking at the walls, and they started to make little waves, like dropping a rock into a pond. A few minutes after that, the walls started to look like they were boiling water, all bubbling and moving. I started to look for patterns and shapes, and realizing that if I could think of an image, it would start to appear on the wall, which was entertaining for a little while. Then I had to pee.

I went to the bathroom, and there were ants on the floor and walls. I had to blink and refocus several times to assure myself that they weren´t real. I peed for what seemed like 5 minutes. I came out of the bathroom, and an old buddy of mine from Seattle, B (this s in FL, mind you) was sitting on the couch with one of his friends I met when I visited him a couple months earlier. I said hello (obviously I hallucinated that), and went out to the porch to get some air.

After a few minutes out there, I walked back inside, and there was a girl I had met a week prior that I was interested in, and had her at my house. Now she was in my house with a couple friends (hallucinated), and they wanted to party. B had this jar of pills and bags of coke (hallucinated - I´m by myself throughout the whole thing, mind you), and they all took a couple pills of X, and started doing lines, every person disappearing and reappearing right in front of me. A comes out of his room (hallucinated) and joins the party. I remembered I had to work in the morning, and declined the drugs.

More time passes, and the girls, A, B, and his friend all go into A´s bedroom. I sat on the couch for a while, then decided to see what was going on. I open the door, and I see a bunch of blankets with what looked like people under them, fucking. I closed the door, feeling left out of the party, and sat down on the couch. All of a sudden, everybody was all around the couches, on the floor, going at it. One of the girls lay down on my lap, the disappeared into the cushions of the couch, which had me tearing the cushions off the couch, looking for her. I would get up and do something every now and then, like grab a plate and try to eat something, but the plates always disintegrated in my hands! I´d see something and try to pick it up, but it would always feel like I was grabbing air, and if I got it in my hands, even a glass of water would turn into nothing immediately.

Well, after a few hours of imagining watching the fornicating, I remembered I had to go to work. Although I didn´t realize it, I still had a few hours to get there. My friend from Seattle told me he had to go back to Seattle in an hour. So I got ready for work expecting to be late, and went to the car. B and his friend were already in the car before I could unlock it, and the kept locking me out even though I had the key. They were in the car laughing! So I yelled ¨quit fucking around!¨ and they disappeared then reappeared in the backseat when I finally got in the car. I actually drove to the airport, seeing them off and on the drive, and at one point, B was running alongside the car on the highway. I actually drove to the airport, and waited for them to get out. Eventually, I got out of the car, and opened the door and they weren’t there. It´s a small car, but I still looking under things to see if they were still in the car. I thought they must have already gotten out, so I went to work, and didn´t realize I was 2 hours early. Most of the hallucinations stopped once I was around people at work, and thank god, because I was a lifeguard, and that´s not a good place to be seeing weird shit.

Because this was my first time, I didn´t know what was real and what wasn´t, so after work I asked A ¨what the fuck happened last night?¨ he said I had came into his room a couple times, said some gibberish and left. I vaguely remember that. I´m glad I hallucinated all of it, because that was some really strange stuff, not to mention the fact that A, B, and his friend were all fucking the girl I liked. It was too trippy to not do again, which I may write about later.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 40064
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2007Views: 13,649
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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