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Daily Methadone
Citation:   GraveMistake. "Daily Methadone: An Experience with Methadone (exp2974)". Apr 10, 2001.

I noticed that noone had submitted a report on Methadone. Not surprising really, as it is not a common street drug. Really, the only time it is seen is when addicts or people in pain get scripts for it and then sell it.
You might find it around inner city estates where Heroin use is rampant, possibly around Methadone clinics. But in small towns or cities without a Heroin problem Methadone is unheard of.

Pretty much all Methadone found on the street is made legally and then prescribed or stolen, it's not a drug manufactured in underground labs.
Methadone is usually used by Heroin addicts to combat withdrawl symptoms, most Methadone bought on the street will be used in this mannor. However, Heroin users also use it to get high. Other people that live in the neighbourhoods where Heroin use is rampent may use Methadone too. Some people use Methadone and never use Heroin.

Media and goverments equate Methadone to Heroin in their effects, this is misleading due to their biased views, to say the least.

A Heroin high, occours in two phases.

Phase 1.
Heroin produces an intense 'Hit' when injected, so called a 'hit' because it is unexpected, very strong and it comes upon you very fast. It is this 'hit' or 'rush' that addicts chase.

The hit doesent last long, a few seconds to a few minuites. People will equate this feeling to an orgasam, usually a womans orgasam is mentioned because its meant to be so much intense than a mans. It could be described as such, it has the same overall feeling as an orgasm in that it is felt thoughout the body. It is certinaly a very strong feeling, an intense rush.
Note that this feeling is really only felt when injecting, however a simular feeling is obtained by smoking but it is not nearly as intense as when injected.

Phase 2.
When the 'hit' or 'rush' has worn off, the user is left with peace of mind, serenity, calmness, left free of pain and suffering - mental and/or physical. Thus everything is OK, in that the world is a great place to live, its nice, peaceful etc. These are the main 'high' effects of Heroin.

Methadone on the other hand, does not produce any kind of 'hit', whether taken oraly or injected methadone will not produce a 'hit' or 'rush'. Rather Methadone produces effects that are like those of the second phase of the Heroin high, though not so pronounced. However, Methadone is an opioid and thus provides the user with many of the same effects of Heroin, is serinity, peace of mind, a feeling of well being, bodly warmth, loving feelings, social feelings. The effects are felt strongest for 6 hours but they do last for 24 hours.

An important point to note is that most Methadone paitients that recive their Methadone for Heroin addiction do not feel these effects, they are tolerant to the dose of Methadone as it is chemicaly simular to Heroin, so they feel no euphoria, they are simply prevented from going into withdrawls.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2974
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2001Views: 89,434
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Methadone (166) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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