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Taken as Prescribed
Scopolamine & Pseudoephedrine
Citation:   Name-Pseudonym. "Taken as Prescribed: An Experience with Scopolamine & Pseudoephedrine (exp18127)". Oct 24, 2002.

0.4 mg oral Scopolamine
  60 mg oral Pseudoephedrine
Taken as anti-motion sickness med on each of four consecutive days.
Expected to alleviate symptoms of motion sickness such as stomach unrest and excessive cold sweats. Not expected to have any other effects.
Taken in the morning one hour before the motion causing aforementioned motion sickness was expected to happen. The scopolamine dose is 0.4 mg - prescribed by physician. Other med taken - sudanyl (assume its similar to sudafed) - 60 mg.

The first day the med did not work (got very sick).
The following days it did work (did not get sick).

Unexpected effects: difficulty reading numbers off the LCD display, chewing gum became a very pleasurable activity, fell asleep as soon as the head hit the pillow in the afternoon following taking med, feeling of bed rocking and tilting under me.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 18127
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 24, 2002Views: 33,308
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Pseudoephedrine (215), Scopolamine (134) : Unknown Context (20), Health Benefits (32), General (1)

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