Is This Real?
Citation:   Hendrix03. "Is This Real?: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp17256)". Jun 13, 2005.

T+ 0:00
48 oz oral Mushrooms (tea)
  T+ 1:00 48 oz oral Mushrooms (tea)
It was a Friday night me and my buddies had just gotten home from our picking field and we were ready to begin the cleaning process. After cleaning the massive amount of very fresh looking mushrooms. We decided that it would be best to make 2 big batches so we divided them up kind of equally into half pound and half pound, and we shoved them into panty-hose; kinda like a home-made teabag.

By the time we had everything done the water was boiling and we tossed 2 of the four bags in, and smashed them very hard with a spoon and we watched the water turn pitch black. Afterwards we put the black water into a large container and mixed the kool-aid (grape flavor) in. We drank the 1st batch in about 20 minutes and I had 6 8oz. cups and then we waited while heating up the 2nd batch of water. about 45 minutes the stomach cramps started going away and I felt the tingling sensation that was in the top of my head rush throughout my body then it all hit me, I was watching walls move with beautiful patterns and colors. Everything felt just as if it was going to be another one of those mushroom trips but the second batch was done and ready and so we let it cool and the effects of the 1st batch were hitting hard in heavy.

There were 3 of us in a average size room with plaid carpet and a Jimi Hendrix poster on the wall the kept moving and making sounds. then about 2 hours into it we began drinking the 2nd batch witch was by far blacker and purple that the other one, so we mixed the kool-aid and I drank the 1st 4 glasses out of it very quickly and then continued until I had reached a total of 15 8 oz. cups from this batch makin it a total of 21 cups. Then all hell broke loose, the visuals became very, very intense, and I couldn't close my eyes it felt as if they were being pulled open and at that point I couldn't remember my name I was trying to find out my true identity. That lasted about 20 minutes then I decided I needed to try and come back to earth.

Then at that moment I felt as if I was a detective on a mysterious alien planet and I was sent to search for life, and I began walking around my house and outside the trees looked like 50 foot tall shrooms that extend into the evergoing sky. By this time I was very confused I didn't know where I was in my house and I had no coordination at all. Then I began to 'peak' I guess you could call it, as I fell into a very tranquil stare at the Jimi Hendrix poster on my wall I began hearing faint guitar music and then I saw in a large array of colors Jimi Hendrix standing outside the poster, at that point I thought to myself is this real? am I real? at that point we all started to scare ourselves because we convinced ourselves that we weren't real and that we were mushrooms and God was going to pick us and that's when we would die.

After about 3 hours after the second batch the far off distant feeling of not being real subsided and we were left with constant visuals of breathing walls and melting doors. Another thing that amazed me was the very bad time lapse, one minute seems as if it was 2 hours, I watched in amazement at the second hand on my watch move at a turtle's pace or wouldn't move at all then end up on the 7. We started this journey at about 8 pm and finally began to mellow out and start to lay down and try and sleep at around 5am. I have done Mushrooms and LSD before but this mushroom trip was by far more intense but not as long at an LSD trip sadly, but definitely well worth the two hours spent picking in the field.

I have realized after this trip that with mushrooms there is two types of tripping and only some see the 2nd side because they just drink a glass or two and stop and have very nice visuals and body feeling but when you exceed what we like to call 'The Madness Levels' you lose all thought of your original life and grow a new life right then and there, with very intense visuals, auditory sounds, and the inability to walk or talk right. I suggest that if it is your first time to 'shroom' do not take as much at we took, or if you don't have the mental mindset that its a drug and your taking it for your enjoyment. Ok well as to all who are about to embark on this long beautiful journey...good luck and have a blast.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17256
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2005Views: 8,712
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