Magic, Euphoric and Happiness
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   CLuB99. "Magic, Euphoric and Happiness: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp17044)". Aug 27, 2002.

12 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (liquid)
hi...i'm not very used to write trip reports, specially in english wich isn't my natural language...but we go! :)

me and my friend's journey started last wednesday, with a trip to a cactus nursery, there we bought several ornamental cacti and succulents, 2 nice T. bridgensii cuttings, and a huge 5ft long 3.5in. thick san pedro's cutting.

Once at home we did a little research on erowid to know some more about the proper dosage. Based on what we've read, the chunk was enough to dose 12 people with approximately 250-300mg mescaline. A medium dose.

We cutted the cutting in chunks of about 6-7 inches, peeled and discarded the internal core. After that we reduced the pulp left in small chunks, mixed with several lemon's juice and finally we poured it in a 17qt. pressure canner, adding enough water to have about 1in. of free water above the chunks.

The stuff was cooked for about 3 hrs, then the first boil was strained, the cacti was blended and some fresh water was added....another hour of boiling then we strained again, combined the liquid with the first boil, filtered with a clean t-shirt, and finally the liquid was put again of fire to concentrate it to a drinkable quantity.

Final product was 600 cc's of thick, green/brown liquid, wich smelled ugly and tasted worser (as we found the next day :( lol )

Thursday, at about 6 pm we left home to go to a nice meadow, surrounded by woods.

At 7 pm we drank our dose, about 50cc of the liquid (a cow's ass taste better i think...even if i never tried :p )

At time +20 minutes we all started to feel euphoric and very energic. lot's of talking etc.

at + 1 hr things has not changed a lot, still feel very good.

90 minutes (t +2.5hrs) later we start to ask ourselves if the stuff is really effective, peak comes really slow, so we decided to drank another 25 cc's of the stuff.

T is +3 now, i suddenly feel a increased heartbeat and a little pressure on my body (feeling like gravity is 1.1, if you get what i mean). I'm a little scared, looks like the trip is really starting kicking in, i'm afraid that perhaps we took too much...but it was just a tought, after a little walk i feel much better, and things get interesting.

At t +3.5 i finally understood better the substance, very similar to acid, but very different also...for me is like a mix of acid and mdma, but definately there's something different in the whole thing.
My perception is greatly enhanced, feeling the energy (heat) of my friends at more of one meter distance...really great!

The clouds expands and contract rithmically, and i see shapes of strange cartoon like entities. They weren't friendly fact a friend is freaking a bit cause he's seeing the same shapes. But i don't feel any negative vibe coming from the shapes....

At T+4 2 friends meet us, they brought music! now we have a nice mp3 player and 4 speakers. i had a funny moment seeing their faces drinking the stuff :p .
everything have a magical appereance, the trees, the grass, the stars. i see a pulsating neon blue ring around the moon.

I had also some CEV's but not as vivid as the ones that mushrooms give, they were more mental than visual. Just some patterns and (i think) few strange creatures, but everything was flowing so fast and lightly that i wasn't able to recognize them in their fullness.

We spend the rest of the night camped around the fire, hearing music and smoking some moroccan hash.

Some thoughs of the day after:

Mescaline is a nice substance, in fact is the most enjoyable of the allucinogens i’ve tried (lsd, mushrooms and 2ct7). It i’ve read on erowid “magically subtle”, is not an overwhelming substance as lsd or psilocybine, at least at this dosage. Perhaps with higher doses things get harder..

Nobody of the group (6 people) had nausea or vomit during the experience.
I’ll definately try it again in a few weeks, increasing dose by the 30%....let’s see how it goes :)

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17044
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 27, 2002Views: 16,158
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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