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The Key to the Universe Is God
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis
Citation:   Raul L. Jr. "The Key to the Universe Is God: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis (exp16702)". Aug 17, 2004.

10 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (extract)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I have experienced the glory of what many many people have talked about when they mention psychedelics...the religious experience. Let me tell you is is not just hallucinations, it is very real. I will try to explain what I've experienced through the san pedro cactus.

The first time I ate the sacred cactus, I didn't know much about psychedelics...or meditation. I didn't expect much...but was later left in total awe and extacy at the nature of the universe. I was lucky enough to come across a very potent strain of san pedro. I experienced then what is known as 'the clear light' that is the pure mystical state of conciousness. I wasn't prepared for it...though I learned alot...I didn't know how to hold on to it...and I found myself descending back to early... But it was still the most incredible thing I have experienced.

Around two years later I've done research on psychedelics and have read over and over the book that guided me to this most enlightened state of mind...' the psychedelic experience ' by tim leary and ralph metzer. This book is c r u c i a l if one is to attempt a psychedelic voyage...into the infinite mind and universe. I learned to focus my thoughts on the words and meanings of its many teachings for handling and understanding the many many levels of the psychedelic realm.

I have tried to repeat my first encounter with the cactus like five or six times without success....this time I had some grass to help me meditate...and I just know that it was the cannabis that helped me get there because for me it is good for meditation. I cut a ten inch piece of san pedro and liquefied it in a blender, I later strained out the liquids into a cup which I consumed it in. An hour and a half after I consumed it I noticed the threshold effects of stimulations around the body and tightening of facial muscles... I went outside and smoked three bowls of decent pot in a bong. When I was finished I was definetley feeling altered. I had mild visuals that were only a little bit more intense than what I would get with pot alone. I sat and awaited for the full power of mescaline while listening to pink floyd's 'comfortably numb' on dvd. I meditated on the parts where he's a little boy ...and tried to absorb as much of the positive karma from it...along with his relaxing guitar.

A half hour later I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror... At first it was just my face but as I gazed into the center and let my mind flow, I saw my face slowly start to morph into different dimensions, then it started changing at a faster rate. My head shrank, grew purple and bald with a look of a demon, if I hadn't read the psychedelic book I would have probably been freaking but I was in total control since I was in a meditative state the whole time. Afterwards I went back in my room and looked at a drawing I made that represented 'the clear light experience' I meditated on the meanings of the words of the 'psychedelic experience' and within a few minutes...I slowly climbed to 'the clear light' but this time it was more intellectual and less visual. The first time I had my eyes closed I saw a swirl of light...and from it came understanding. This time I could clearly see it but I knew it was there...because I noticed all the signs of pure ego loss...everything I looked at became waves of infinite repeating design...waves of unity...the waves of that connect all life.

These waves were not merely visual but much more emotional and intellectual...I felt as if I 'tuned' into the universal flow. Revelations about space and time, physics, psychology, and the very nature of the universe and my part in it were flowing through my mind. But without a shadow of a doubt the one truth that I have found is that god is very very real...I felt connected to him ... I kept saying ' god is the center of the universe !!! ' It was was real...not was spiritual. Even though I didin't get as many visuals as I did the first time I ate the was much more intense! It has changed the way I look at the has giving me incredible peace because I know that god is real and everything is alright as long as I go with the flow of positive enery into the game of life. Everything is alright...all is in all...all is god. Here is something that I typed while I was still in this enlightened state of mind:

Hi ... This is Raul Jr. talking on this psychedelic microphone that connects all your minds in this universe of infinite complexities, everything makes yourself to trust all the waves and the life processes that this universe is. You're real, you have a place in this this can pray to the center of existence to pray to god. Peace love and faith, everything is within itself everything is infinite... Total peace my friend and we continue our daily activities in this endless universe...but remember above all are more than a solid are connected to this infinite universe you are part of the universal proccess....have faith my friend ........and total faith in the ultimate truth ,,, 777 ---yin yang the positive negative enrgy force is connected through all of us as it is connected to god...because he is the center of it all....all is in all.....peace with these words from the most enlightened state of mind....the pure mystical mind of the universe .....the clear light.

Peace when you come down to the ego game...peace when you come down to your personal problems, peace when you come down to routine personal activities....well at least you know the one key to your life is faith in the process. Do not bring ego game to this state...only wonder...because god is wonderful....he is real and he is talking to me through this link in his world...a link that connects us but in a way that is positive...and negative if I bring my ego game into yadadayada ...I will only bring more misery but if I forget it I can only gain the peace and lose the problem....these words are real they are very very very real this is not for egocentric people but only for those with ultimate the truth of the life proccess...know the truth god is real spiritual waves are real ....there are infinitely more things to this universe than you can possibly know ...but know that god is in it ...he created you as he created everything else...but have faith....have faith...when you come down to your normal is going to be a land mark in your book of is all you need...understanding comes with it.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 16702
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 17, 2004Views: 12,771
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Unknown Context (20), Mystical Experiences (9)

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