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After Exhaling I Just Got This Grin on My Face
by RtRD
Citation:   RtRD. "After Exhaling I Just Got This Grin on My Face: An Experience with 25E-NBOH (exp116768)". Nov 7, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 hit vaporized 25E-NBOH
  T+ 0:02 1 hit vaporized 25E-NBOH
  T+ 0:04 1 hit vaporized 25E-NBOH
Vaping 25E-NBOH

I read on the interwebs that you could vape this substance, so I ordered myself 500mg 25E-NBOH powder and dissolved it all in 10ml of pure PG, then diluted 1ml of the concentrate to 9ml of 50/50 VG/PG. The concentration of the complete product was about 4-5mg per ML.

At first I took one 3 second hit off of my vape device (11w 1.2ohm) didn't feel anything.

After 2 minutes I took another 3 second puff, was starting to feel a bit different but still nothing major.

Another 2 minutes passed and I took a 5 second puff and held it in for about half a minute.

After exhaling I just got this grin on my face and everything became very bright and colorful, the headspace was barely there, just pure visuals.

The visuals looked as if everything was breathing, started seeing pixels (idk if it's HPPD or just the effects of the substance) and a bunch of tracers which looked really cool, I couldnt stop waving my hand around because it looked really cool.

The main effects lasted about 2-3h but my pupils were dilated for about 6 or more hours.

Anyways this substance works really well vaped and I quite enjoyed my experience, might not be the best idea to vape it constantly tho since its an RC and all that.

I give this trip a 8/10

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116768
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Nov 7, 2022Views: 531
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25E-NBOH (890) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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