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A Fun Horror Trip
Citation:   Agent zoom. "A Fun Horror Trip: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate (exp114699)". May 22, 2023.

900 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)

T - 0:00 (900 mg Dramamine) I ingest 900 mg of Dramamine in liquid form. Mild sedative effects start to take effect in a span of 15-20 mins.

T + 0:40 Physical effects are amplified: Mild disorientation. Sense of weight loss in legs. Sense of vibration in hands and upper body (mild tremors). Eye sight locked on to objects for extended periods of time. Minimal effects on memory pattern.

T + 1:15 Mental and physical effects amplified further: Low levels of anxiety, calm demeanor. Difficult to differentiate real and hallucinatory audio in the environment. Constant hum in the ears, also blockage of sinuses similar to that of elevation gain. Walking seems to be a difficult task due to constant variation in physical sensation. Increased hunger (Sudden hunger pangs even just 30 mins after a large meal). Food tastes dry and bland. Eyes turn more red than usual. Minimal to no effect on memory.

T + 2:00 Further “high” effect: Increased agitation. Objects start appearing and moving on distant surfaces [white surfaces such as ceilings and walls]; Mainly insect like objects such as ants, spiders, bugs. Hallucinations didn’t seem to make me anxious as I seemed to be aware of the cause. Peripheral vision is covered with moving shadows and unknown objects
Mainly insect like objects such as ants, spiders, bugs. Hallucinations didn’t seem to make me anxious as I seemed to be aware of the cause. Peripheral vision is covered with moving shadows and unknown objects
(vision is substantially narrowed). Vivid dreams onset almost instantly on closing eyes. Keeping awake seems to be difficult at this point (eyes feel heavy and puffy). Smoking increases sense of euphoria temporarily. Major difficulty concentrating on tasks. Burning and vibratory sensation in arms and legs (further tremors). Difficulty in comprehending and responding to conversations. Minimal to no effect on memory. Dryness in the mouth.

Beyond this point there is sound sleep. Continuous vivid dreams occur for nearly 5-6 hrs (lasting memory). Waking up from the trip I feel surprisingly calm, no hangover effects. Mind however feels slightly numb, and slow to respond. No variation in moods or feeling of wellbeing.

Open eyed visuals were constant and increased with repeated closing and opening of eyes. Looking around the area seems to have limited vivid visuals to about 30-40 degrees in the periphery. Total trip duration seems to have lasted for about 8 hrs.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114699
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 22, 2023Views: 407
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : General (1), Alone (16)

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