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Vivid Nightmare After Months of No Dreams
Entada rheedii
Citation:   Lambda. "Vivid Nightmare After Months of No Dreams: An Experience with Entada rheedii (exp112077)". Jul 2, 2018.

2.5 g   Entada rheedii (extract)
I received a freebie of 40X extract entada rheedii powder in a package I ordered recently, and decided to give it a shot last night. I haven't had much or any luck with oneirogens in the past. Mugwort, datura, and Calea (both sweet and bitter) all did very nil for me.

However with rheedii... I'm willing to concede something is going on there.

I haven't had a recallable dream in at least a month, maybe longer, and so the dreams I had during the night are particularly significant.

Shortly after dosing, I felt a little strange. Almost like I was entering into a waking dream, but I was still fully conscious and capable. It could have been placebo, but it's notable. I had some trouble actually getting to sleep, and lied in bed for an hour and a half before conking out. That's when I was hit with intense, somewhat disturbing, dream after dream after dream, all night long.

Probably the most disturbing and vividly recallable dream I had was in an alternate hell version of this universe. I lived in a suburb in America, and an extremist group that was like a combination of ISIS, Neo-nazis, and the KKK had formed, and they were catching black men and cutting their dicks off and forcing them to be naked in public. They broke into homes and took people in the night. I had a black friend in the dream, and so they wanted to kill me too because I was a 'niggersympathizer'. They broke into my home and I hid in the garage under a blanket in the dark. When I woke up I wasn't super scared or sweating or anything but I was like 'wtf that was fucked up as hell'.

Despite the disturbing dreams, I felt clear-headed and calm.

The next morning, I felt (and still feel) a sense of light euphoria, energy, clarity of mind, and enhancement of color. When I went outside, the colors in the grass were unusually distinguishable. I could see the blues of the grass so vividly. It's a BEAUTIFUL day. This could be due to just finally having some powerful dreams, which I've been lacking for a long time. A good night's rest does a lot.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112077
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jul 2, 2018Views: 2,553
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Entada rheedii (733), Dreams (85) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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