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See Ya Depresssion
Citation:   Andy S.. "See Ya Depresssion: An Experience with Armodafinil (exp107405)". May 5, 2020.

500 mg oral Armodafinil
I should note that the first paragraph is just a background of my bipolar depression and the trip report starts in the second paragraph.

The other day I was at my psychiatrist's discussing potential medications for my bipolar depression and he suggested that I might want to give nuvigil a try to treat the brain fog and lethargy that I have when I am depressed. I won't bore you with a super long back story but basically I developed bipolar 2 disorder about two and a half years ago. Before my first bipolar episode I was a completely normal person with a 4.0 gpa and I had just been accepted into the pre-med/biochem program at University of Hawaii. After my first episode I found it next to impossible to think let alone complete hard biochem/math courses. My gpa plummeted to a 2.5 and I knew something had to be done. I was eventually diagnosed with bipolar disorder and after trying all of the conventional meds my doctor decided to prescribe me nuvigil off label, which brings us to the present. Anyways I'll get started with the trip report now.

7pm: I just recieved my nugivil sample and I had been in a pretty long/bad depressive episode. I kinda knew this was a bad idea but I decided to take two 250mg pills to see what kind of antidepressant effect they had, as I was desperate to end the depressive epiosde I was in.

7:20pm: I suddenly began to feel an intense rush of energy and clarity. I at first thought it was placebo, since it had not been very long, but pretty soon I knew it was definitely not as the feeling got quite intense. I think the best way to really describe the feeling is saying it took me from being a slow depressed person to a 2.0 version of my normal non-depressed self. I felt that suddenly everything made perfect sense.

8:00pm: I just arrived at my calculus class and I figured that was a perfect opportunity to really test out the nootropic effects that nuvigil supposedly has. Okay it doesn't supposedly have these effects, it just straight up has these effects. I really hate calculus and I am pretty bad at it, but during that lecture I was the star student in the class. I answered almost every question the teacher asked the class correctly and I actually ended up really enjoying the class, which is unheard of for me when it comes to math.

Over the next 12 hours the intense rush of clarity and wakefulness continued. That night I didn't really sleep, but rather spent the whole night doing calc/Ochem homework. It also had an amazing antidepressant effect and it left me feeling like everything was just good. It accomplished all these things without getting me high, which is why I would say it has next to no recreational value. I should note it did leave me feeling annoyed when I was around unintelligent people (my family haha), which is actually quite common with nootropics.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107405
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 5, 2020Views: 1,634
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Armodafinil (507) : Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Various (28)

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