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San Pedro and the Keys to Heaven
Cacti - T. pachanoi & T. bridgesii
Citation:   ATTA. "San Pedro and the Keys to Heaven: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & T. bridgesii (exp101399)". Apr 2, 2020.

12 in oral Cacti - T. bridgesii (tea)
  4 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
I had planned this little journey for a while, and was planning it when the weather was fine, as it has been pissing down here for pretty much 3 weeks solid.

I dehydrated a length (approx 1 foot solid) of T.Bridgesii overnight, and a further 4 inches or so of T. Pachanoi, and then had these tiny little chips, as the volume of shit raw to consume looked a bit overwhelming.

I crushed the little chips into a kind of powder, and then spat in the brew, added some raw apple cider vinegar, and a little bit of lemon juice. I thought that spitting in the mix would help with digestion, as I left it for almost 2 days to do its thing.

I was preparing for a dawn ceremony, as the sun was coming up, but my mate was keen to try it, also I headed over to his place, with about another foot of T. Bridgesii so there would be enough for 2. We blended the raw one, and it was hideous to say the least, and he bailed out pretty much after the 1st gulp of foaming jizzum.

I waited a bit for it to settle down, and gulped down a small glass of it, and started eating the little balls I made out of the spit vinegar mix. I found it easier to just swallow them down, as it was very dough like and pretty foul. I think the mix of a bit of raw and dehydrated did pretty well, and began to boil the blended sludge into a tea.

After about 45 minutes, I felt a bit strange, and a bit light. My body began to feel very light, and things began to get a bit more vibrant. After about an hour and a half, I rolled 2 joints and let my mate sleep, and headed off to the beach, it was about 1 am.

I was peaking pretty well by then. This is about 2 and a bit hours in. The moon was so farking bright. And it was pretty cold. The weather was supposed to be raining, but it held off, and I sat in the sand dunes waiting for the sun to rise.

The feeling was like LSD a bit. But with a very warm and hearty feeling of aliveness in my body
The feeling was like LSD a bit. But with a very warm and hearty feeling of aliveness in my body
. The clouds enveloping the moon looked almost like the heavens opening up. I lay down in my sleeping bag, as it was way too bright out there, and felt totally connected to the surroundings I was in.

I had heard that Jesus gave St Peter the Keys to Heaven, and could now see how San Pedro was a key to the higher vibrations of the cosmos. I sat in awe of the sheer beauty of the moon, and it was so bright it resembled the sun. The harder I concentrated on the moon, the more it showed me, it looked like a mass of molten lava, and almost like it was destructing in front of my eyes. I thought I was looking down at the earth from a spaceship, and was witnessing the destruction of the earth, that mankind had caused.

I began to wonder if the Sun would rise at all, and that there was some kind of battle going on, that the moon and the sun were constantly fighting to rise and set. The wind became a stiff easterly, which was not forecast, and I felt I was breathing with the universe. I was cold, but I was alive, and I was in some way connected to the wind, and the Easterly wind that was unfolding and coursing through me. I became aware of the crickets. And the depth of sound, you could not re-create the surround sound experience, as the sun came slowly up, the earth was coming alive. It was as if my whole life was crafted to a point of beaing faithful witness to the sun rising at this very particular time.

I thought to myself how could I never have seen this amazing even unfold before. The clouds were as animated as the very gates of heaven. Clouds all around the moon, but no clouds above me. Not at all. I was breathing in sync with the very breath of life itself. I was in harmony with the crickets, I was surrounded by God, and his infinite beauty, wisdom, and patience. I was patiently awaiting the arrival of the Sun, and the moon was not giving up his possession of the night sky, I began to almost be able to see the very fabric that the illusion was hiding.

I was peaking as the sun finally arose. The birds began to chirp and add more depth to the already mind blowing surround sound orchestra, I stood up and headed to the hill and bore witness to the ocean, and its mighty fury. I was thinking of swimming, but too cold. Next time I thought.

The overall sensations, and heightened sensory experience excelled my expectations.
The overall sensations, and heightened sensory experience excelled my expectations.
My body felt so light, and healed, I was centred, focused, and connected. And knew that everything was going to be okay.

The morning could not have been more perfect. And as I said before, was not forecast, it was supposed to be miserable and raining. But the universe had other ideas. The universe kept the clouds clear over my head, and the sun shone brightly. And I was alive, and witnessed my first ever sunrise, unadultered by chatter, and solely in the moment and in awe of this event that happens every day, and is taken for granted.

I heard the depth and spatial field of natures harmony, which could not be recreated, it was a very humbling, and magnificent experience, that I will do properly next time.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101399
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Apr 2, 2020Views: 1,110
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Cacti - T. bridgesii (448), Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Various (28), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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