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Citation:   circlesformeaning. "Damn: An Experience with DPT & MDMA (exp101212)". Dec 29, 2015.

50 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
  100 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
As an experienced adventurer into the chemicals that affect the brain. I have ingested mescaline, LSD, and Ayahuasca on several occasions. So one night in an effort to escape the dredges of society I decided to let loose with a combination of interesting proportions. I had always heard that Molly with 'trippy' chemicals combined interesting and I had an extra point that I still hadn't used. A clear night, with only the light of my computer screen and the docile light of a single candle I set out on this adventure.

At about 12:00 I took the dosage combined into one line in which I insufflated the chemicals.

12:07-My legs can't stop moving, music is orgasmic to the ear. I can't focus on any one thing in particular. It's like my entire being has been shoved into the very tip of my brain, where there is nothing but a pool of euphoria and happiness to bathe in. Yet I'm kept here on earth by the horrible drip.

12:30-I start to resurface. The body load is almost too much and I vomit, but as soon as this happens I feel amazing. The peak has ended but now I'm in the stable plateau that I can achieve when drinking Ayahuasca. It's a hold that grips onto the brain and wont let go. It's a steely warmness that tryptamines provide. The visuals are nothing spectacular, but for me the beauty in psychedelics is the feeling it provides my brain. For some this may be the super 'trippy' visuals, but for me it's always been just a heightened sensitivity to everything around me. I find that it allows me to expand my mind instead of dampen it and that's why of all the drugs I've done, psychedelics speak mainly to me.

3:00am-This plateau has sustained for over 2 hours. When I look around the posters in my room still appear to be in a sort of hyperrealism. Almost like I'm looking at a hologram of the poster but I know that it's just a 2d print. As I write this my focus is beautiful. I can not only see the words that I want to type, but it's like a new creative force has entered the equation. The way sentences go together excite me like no other. I wish for nothing more than to write until I cannot write any longer. It's like I'm not bound by the claws of sobriety that I cling to so readily because it provides a safety to reality and healing.

An interesting sort of experience. The beauty in all of it is that it's a very clean sort of trip. A subtle grip to the back of the brain that not only provides the tug of reality but the assurance that one is still tripping. It's a pleasant combination that can only happen once in a blue moon for the special nature of the beauty it provides.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101212
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Dec 29, 2015Views: 2,877
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DPT (21), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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